Sunday, August 1, 2010

She's alsleep on my lap

Update on my Princess, she's settling down really well. She's asleep on my lap, leaving me enough room to type about her. She's decided to tell me she doesn't like certain food, a big leap for her, she's unfazed by noise, if she's hiding she feels safe and doesn't care. She's taken over my foam block I use to sit at my machine and is happy to sit in the open this morning in the sun, reminded me that I hadn't opened the curtains so she could.

Here is a photo of her upside down having a tummy rub.


Re-Illy Unique said...

aww look at that beautiful smile! She is gorgeous! :)

I know I commented before, but that is so cool how quick she is loving on you :)

ozlorna said...

I thought she'd take a little longer too, but she's settling in well, quite affectionate and I expected a lot of problems with scavenging - but there are none, I don't think she's lived inside a house before. In and around buildings, yes, but doesn't know what a door is or the kitchen for that matter. So far, so good.

Bella said...

She is absolutely adorable!!
She must think she's died and gone to heaven.
How does she react to the danglng knitting that stretches down to tempt her claws?

Wishing you both many many years of mutual happy companionship and contentment, tuna and milk!

ozlorna said...

She's that little bit older and unaccustomed to playing, so she doesn't bother with it. I can knit on the machine and she jumps up to see what I'm doing, gives it a sniff and jumps off. Loves my foam block to bits, sleeps on it when she can.