Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hallo Sweetie

"Hallo Sweetie!" says River Song, just as kitty walked past.

Kitty rushes up to television and says "hallo" right back.

Then rushes over to me and says "hallo"... soooo pleased with herself...

I give her lots of pats as she purrs her silly head off and told her yes, the tele did say hallo to her, and didn't shatter her happiness, I just kept watching the Dr Who rerun of last season's finale...

Never a dull moment around here....


Linda said...

Looooove Dr Who! Currently baffled by the new season, can't wait to see what happens next! My kitty, however, is not amused. Although she loves a good pat.

ozlorna said...

New season just started last Saturday here. There's always twists and turns. I'm so glad Steven Moffat is the head writer. Blink was my fav episode. And I loved the statues in last season.

Kitty always says hallo when she comes home. It was perfect timing for River to say Hallo just as she walked past. I have never seen a more pleased with herself cat!