We Aussie Ravelers in the Bendigo Woollen Mills group.. had a bit of an epiphany - why not get together a co-op, whereby one person buys one ball of all of the new colours in their Luxury 8ply range, chop them up equally and redistribute to the coop group; then of course Sandy in Queensland thought a Rustic 8ply one would be the go and of course we all wanted all the samples they had in stock, not just on their colour card.
When mine arrived I played, I knitted, I undid, I decided that their Mariner was outstandingly wonderful. There was talk on the boards that they had plenty of the discontinued colours, so far no dramas, a few discussions were had on how nice the colours and so on. So I ordered my Mariner over the internet on Wednesday - all good - then last Friday I got a call. Nope they had none left - Nope, none in the back room, nope not one ball to be had. I was devastated!
Next was onto the boards to beg and plead. No luck. Then onto stalking people who had already bought some to see if they could be persuaded to part with any - nope, but then Sue W from Victoria had 2 and a little bit.. enough for a vest. I thought Provincial Waistcoat would look stunning in it. However I did approach a few more havers in their stashers.. Nope. Just one more ball would get sleeves.. Nope.
But I had the very best news this morning. Another Sue from Victoria has 4 and a little bit balls and was happy to send them on their way to me for a contribution to her paypal account.
There's more: I had a pm from ANOTHER Sue, who has half a ball what Sue W had sent her so she could finish her project.. NO joke - a well travelled bit of wool that! Now three Sues, all from Victoria and all have sent me their stash for money or swap..
When they get here, I shall take their picture and show everyone what a truly gorgeous colour it is and I'm so sorry they are discontinuing it.
Here ends my tale of love, loss, betrayal, false promises, forlorn search, stalking, rejection only to end in love found - all the best stories have those elements so I thought I'd share mine.
And special thank you to the three Sues: Sue W, Sue G and Sue RA, from Victoria, for supplying me with a happy ending.
I am so happy that you found some more for your project Lorna. I wonder why BWM are discontinuing it as it is such a stunning color. Did you get a reason why they arent making it anymore. I hope your wool arrives soon so you can get started on your project.
Not as happy as me! I hope you like your Bendi swap. I was surprised that had run out so quickly, as they told Sandy that they had plenty. If I've known they didn't I would have ordered straight away. Things I did learn though, if it's on their shade card, it stays available until the new one next year.
I'll let you know when your Mariner arrives (and take it's photo too of course!) Thanks again, yours is going into the Provincial Waistcoat - a stunning pattern for a stunning colour. OOhh and I named it in your honour!! LOL!
Great tale of well traveled yarn.
I think it's funny how we are all Sues.
And doubly funny that the half ball I had was actually originally owned by one of the other Sues and she'd sent it to me when *I* sent a similar plea out on the forums a month earlier!
Great story. Can't wait to see the finished vest :)
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