Friday, July 27, 2012

Fibonacci Righe 13/1782D Vest


Righe = Italian for stripes.That one's easy.

Fibonacci = a sequence of numbers, found in nature and first discovered by Signor Fibonacci, an Italian mathematician by adding 0 +1 = (1) then adding the sum (1) to the previous sum +1 (=2)  then 2+1 = (3), then (3) + 2 = (5) and so on. sequence = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... and so on for this vest I start and stop with 55, alternating the one colour in ascending and the other colour descending order.
This is what I worked out for my vest - the underlined are grey, alternating with the red.

I need to press it before I wear it, so when it's done I'll retake their photos and put in a nicely press front and back.


I based the pattern, on one from Passap Model book 13/1782D. Except I made it longer. And wider. And with thicker wool. And I did a drop every 3rd needle down and relatch up. I'm speedy enough now at latching up, it's quicker than knitting. Official.

Un pressed front
Then because I wanted to add width, to the sides, and I wanted this to be thigh length, I decided to go the whole 1970s and put 2.5cm (8 rows) of short rows into the start of the back after the ribbing. I chose the middle half - quarter each side, then every 8 stitches I think it was, then commenced my 55 rows,

Seeing as I had the excel open, I decided to do a row count - 272, and put a row by row where I had to change colour, increase and decrease. then take away the rows I didn't want, paste it into publisher, make it big font, save as a .pdf and sent it to the kindle. Brilliant. Love it.
When I work out how to do the sequence, I get out the excel spread sheet, but first I MUST know how many rows I need from the centre back from hem to neck. Then I can work out where to put the stripes. On this one, I had too many rows so I started on 2, not 1, 1 like I have in the past.

Fibonacci Raglan Cardigan
On this cardigan, I was able to add 17 rows over all by putting in a black row between the rows and I started the sequence on 34/1, 1, 2, 3, 5 etc and reversed. It just worked out best for the total length I needed.

Fibonacci Stripes to the waist only
On this vest, I didn't buy enough yarn in the first place and they don't make it anymore, so I put the complimentary extra I need in stripes to the waist, and this also worked out best to have the grey/green separated by the main yarn on each side, but this time I decided to get the garter bar out and wield the stitches around with it. I thought it worked well.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beads, Beads, Beads

I love beads and beading. And knitting and my knitting stuff and my kitty. And we all live happily in my apartment.
I put beads on cards:

I put beads on shawls:

Usually I put them on hand knitted silk shawls and I've made a few in my time, however this week I've been experimenting with putting beads on my machine knits:
Experiment results. I did some hand tooling before I did the beads.
These beads are too big for the idea. The beads are prethreaded and this is where counting the first is an excellent idea, the needles in between the beaded sections are put into hold, UWP, beads placed, until each section has been knitted. This would look much better with small 5mm (5/0) or 3mm (8/0) glass seed beads. But I these were in the same box as the big plastic ones - I was checking the technique so I can do something similar in the Ravellenics.

This is one way of threading beads onto your yarn. Thread a very small needle with a sturdy thread, I used dental floss, tie a knot in the end and thread the yarn though it, about 10cm/4" should do it, thread them onto the needle and pull through, it is helpful to count up how many you need or you will have to keep pushing them along (or cut the yarn and unthread them. Another method is to get some PVA glue and make a point from the end of the yarn - rub it between your fingers to form a point, hang to dry and trim up the tip - this is a very easy way for a tight fit.
This is the 0.5mm crochet hook I use to put the bead on, take the stitch off the needle, hold firmly and pull the bead over it so it fits on both the "legs" of the stitch, making sure all of the wool is through the centre of the bead. Fishing line can also be used, thread the beads onto the fishing line, insert the end through the centre of the stitch, slip the end through the first bead, slip the bead onto the stitch "legs" and put the bead back on the needle.

I used a rouleau turner, it is too thick, but will be good for pony beads
And a day later, here is an excellent tutorial of the three methods of beading in hand knitting

Spin, Spin, Spin Beading Tutorial

Craft and Quilt Show at Darling Harbour

Was on a couple of weeks ago, and here is a photo of our exhibit
Mine is the white Kate shawl - with 2 on it
I was there two days, with different people. The public are asked to vote for the one they like the best and this year they picked me!!!! and I won $50. They didn't last year...

It was the last year at Darling Harbour, they are pulling down the convention centre in August. The feature this year was beads.. Horrible people.  Last year the beads were overpriced and I happily left them there, this year I got some nice cracked glass black/clear ones to put on a shawl.

I had an excellent time with Leonie from Newcastle, I promised to show her how to put beads on stitches with the machine. We had a lot of fun and Leonie took home the samples.

And the sad thing about the day, one of my daughter's acquaintances from her gaming crowd heard my laugh and voice and thought daughter was back in Sydney, turned around and was dissapointed to see me, then when she went home, Ravelry stalked me (I had my name badge on) and realised I was her mum. Wish she had come up to say hi, but she is apparently painfully shy. But is a knitter all is forgiven. Next time I hope she will come and say hi.